Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

Winning a Bad Beat Jackpot in a Casino

When the prize money is won by a casino player, it provides a windfall for every casino player at the table. Although the percentages applied to divide the jackpot among the casino players vary depending on the establishment, a typical example cuts the money 50 percent, 30 percent and 20 percent. Half of the money goes to the person who lost with his or her bad beat hand. This largest portion is meant to console the casino player for the amazingly unlucky loss. Then 30 percent goes to the actual winner of the hand, and the remaining 20 percent of the jackpot is divvied evenly among the other casino players at the table. You can imagine how festive the hitting of a bad beat jackpot is for the casino players at the table where it happens. This is why the jackpots are used as marketing devices by most poker venues.

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